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Thursday 21st March 2019

Margaret Harding, AC for Cornwall, Devon (South, West and North), Plymouth and Torbay

The spring term has been a busy time for our Year 10 competition, Maths Feast, with events happening in 11 venues across the region. One such venue was the Met Office in Exeter, which hosted over 150 schools from across the South West, allowing students to tackle some challenging maths.

Teams of four students worked on a variety of problems; some problems were initially undertaken individually, followed by collaboration and decision-making before finalising their answers. One round concentrated on an unfamiliar area of maths where information was provided and students were required to comprehend the information and then apply it to situations. Teamwork played an even more crucial part in the final round which became very competitive. All events in the South West were hosted by AMSP Associate, Keith Gadd, who was impressed with all the students participating and commented on their engagement and enjoyment.

Look out for these events again next spring. You can explore a wide range of enrichment events by visiting the AMSP events listing.

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