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Michael Gibson, AC for Newcastle upon Tyne, North Tyneside and Darlington

We are very excited to launch a new series of after-school sessions to support preparation for the MAT and TMUA university admissions tests. These sessions will run weekly from September for Year 12 and 13 students. We’ll also look at ways to prepare for the upcoming UKMT Senior Mathematical Challenge, and also the Senior Team Mathematical Challenge, which is run jointly by UKMT and the AMSP.

These will follow a similar format to the existing course running to prepare for the STEP paper. The course will start early in September and run through to mid-November. We are hoping to attract students from both Years 12 and 13 with a range of mathematical abilities and aspirations. The course is intended to be fun and offers a good opportunity for students to meet others with similar interests and ambitions. As this will be the course’s first year, we are very keen to hear from students and teachers about what they would like to get out of this course, so we can tailor it to your needs. Please get in touch if you have any questions or suggestions. Details regarding times, dates and venues will be announced in due course.

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