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Teesside University is hosting this traditional event for the tenth year in a row!

Year 10 students will have a chance to meet Colin Wright, who studied at Cambridge University and was a president of the Liverpool Mathematical Society. Colin is connecting his impressive juggling techniques with mathematical patterns and probability theory. What he really does is show how maths and science work and why are they so important. Colin has given this talk in locations as diverse as New Zealand, Australia, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Chicago, Seattle, Atlanta, Washington, Vancouver, Belgium, France, The Netherlands, Ireland, The Isle of Man, China, Brunei, and all over mainland UK. So we are so happy he is coming to Teesside.

Rob Eastaway is a famous author who will demonstrate how we can use mathematics in everyday life and who will challenge our misconceptions with examples of simple calculations. Rob is also a renowned author and his books include “Why do Buses come in Threes?” a must for any budding mathematician.

University students, who are in different stages of their degree course in Mathematics, Engineering and Physics will talk about their love for maths and will answer questions from students during the student panel discussion.

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