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Dave Tuhey, AC for North East Lincolnshire, North Lincolnshire and Lincolnshire

A Year 10 enrichment event, ‘Life Saving Life Changing Mathematics’, was held at Franklin College in Grimsby on Wednesday 26 June. The event took the form of three workshop presentations and a keynote speaker. The workshop sessions focused on mathematical applications by extending the year 10 mathematical experience beyond the bounds of the GCSE specification.

The presentations highlighted the diverse range of maths applications which included politics, sport, medicine, crime and miscarriages of justice. The event concluded with a thoroughly interesting and engaging talk on whether we should trust a mathematician, highlighting the significant role that mathematicians play in an ever increasing technological world. The event was well received by both staff and students, as can be testified by the comments below:

  • “the presentations were entertaining and enjoyable”
  • “it was very informative and makes you realise what maths is used for”
  • “it was easy to follow and very interesting to see the different ways maths is used in day to day life”
  • “thank you so much for a fantastic day please put more of these events on”
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