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Val Pritchard, AC for Hertfordshire

In January, the University of Hertfordshire will welcome Year 10 students from state-funded schools and colleges to participate in an exciting enrichment event. The aim is to allow students to meet maths enthusiasts of their own age and see how maths relates to and extends their studies.

Here is a puzzle from the most recent event which had links to a mini-presentation about powers of numbers:

What is the twentieth number in this sequence 1,2,1,0,17,118,513,1844, …?

We have a series of individual and group quizzes, and students try a practical task in mixed school teams. They learn about the career possibilities in mathematics and engage with another workshop and lecture.

Feedback from the last event:

  • “It helped me to understand that maths is really useful and in everything”
  • “Learnt problem solving skills in the individual puzzles”
  • “The cylinder activity helped me work with people I didn’t know”
  • “The lecturer was very entertaining, brimming with charisma”
  • “I learnt an important new method on my calculator”

Please follow the link to the event details. There are other enrichment opportunities around the region including Year 10 Maths Feasts, enrichment visits and enrichment days. Contact your local area coordinator for more details.

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