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Students from several different schools enjoyed a day exploring maths. We kicked off the day with a talk about encryption, with the students gaining a useful insight into coding. They had the chance to decipher codes, work out keys and explore different types of encryption. This was followed by Columbus Cubes – the students worked in teams to build stackable origami cubes, which helped develop precision, collaboration and dexterity. After some information on careers and post-16 pathways, students competed in a Dragon Quiz involving all types of maths and problem solving, with prizes for the winning team.  

Emily Grossman entertained us after lunch with Lies, Damned Lies and Newspapers speaking about some of her experiences with the media, and explained some of the ways statistical statements can be misinterpreted using maths and science.

Some student feedback on the day:

  • ‘It was challenging but creative’ – Columbus Cubes
  • ‘Best day of the academic year’
  • ‘Very good delivery and entertaining’
  • ‘It was useful in later life even if not taking maths’
  • ‘It was fun and challenging’
  • ‘It gives you a taste of maths after school’
  • ‘Clearly spoken and inviting’
  • ‘It was very enlightening’

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