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The NCETM’s latest podcast welcomes the AMSP’s Girls’ Participation Coordinator, Rachel Beddoes, to talk about how teachers can engage their female pupils with maths. 

“After GCSE, 20% fewer girls than boys continue studying maths. This limits their access to some of the more challenging, interesting and lucrative careers. But why? In this podcast episode we speak with Rachel Beddoes, Girls’ Participation Coordinator of the Advanced Mathematics Support Programme (AMSP). She explains what the barriers are for girls, and what teachers and schools can do to overcome these.”

You can listen to the podcast by visiting the NCETM website. If you’re interested in the research and initiatives mentioned within the interview, you might like to visit these pages:

The Equals campaign is another great resource for inspiring girls into maths. If you’d like to discuss girls’ participation, please feel free to contact Rachel via email.

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