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We are very excited to bring you details of our forthcoming Core Maths Winter Conferences. These are running in December through to January next year. There are ten conference days planned in nine locations across the country, so there will be one near you wherever you are based in England.

The conference is aimed at all maths teachers, regardless of how long you’ve been teaching Core Maths or even if you are only just thinking about teaching it in the future. Sessions include:

  • a detailed tour of our free Core Maths platform, which is now freely available to all schools that have registered with the AMSP
  • whether there is a ‘Core Maths way’ of dealing with data analysis and, if so, what this looks like
  • an exploration of the big issues for students taking Core Maths, according to the awarding organisations’ analysis of this summer’s examinations.

In addition, our keynote session at each conference will be delivered by a representative from one of the university Q-Step Centres – a programme developed as a strategic response to the shortage of quantitatively-skilled social science graduates in the UK. They will be talking about the maths their students will be using on their courses, their perception of their students’ relationship with maths when they embark on their degree and how they go about upskilling their undergraduates. This will give insight into the mathematical demands of a social science degree, and provide examples of contexts within which your students will use Core Maths.

Whilst we have planned to provide sufficient capacity to accommodate all those who wish to attend our conferences, we will be offering places on a first come, first served basis so book early to ensure your place. For further details and to book a conference near you, please visit our website.

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