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Over the autumn term, the AMSP will hold eight online enrichment events for Year 10 students. These events have been designed to engage students while developing an area of GCSE Mathematics beyond the curriculum. They will also inform students about their options for studying maths after GCSE. Any maths used in the sessions will be based on that expected at Higher Tier GCSE.

We are running two events, each of which will be repeated four times throughout the autumn term to allow teachers to choose the time which best fits their timetable:

  • How much is too much? will draw on students’ knowledge of probability, along with their reasoning, problem-solving and communication skills, to work out the best strategies for this game. The session will develop and deepen their understanding of these skills, which are vital for success at GCSE. It will also provide a context for their classwork.
  • Race to the target! will look at spotting and developing number patterns, as well as developing students’ skills in reasoning, problem solving and communication – all vital for their success at GCSE.

A task will be set for participating classes to work on during part of the session, and resources for this task will be emailed to teachers before the event. It will be helpful to us if students could submit their results either via the teacher’s computer, or via students’ smart phones or tablets.

There will be opportunities for interaction during the sessions, but students will not be asked to share personal information. It is envisaged that the event will be streamed into a classroom and will be facilitated by the teacher, though the link can be shared with students at home so that they can also participate.

You can book a place for your class at How much is too much? and Race to the target! on the AMSP website. These sessions are free to attend.

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