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We’re pleased to have expanded the information available on our website about girls’ participation, with the aim of providing you with the latest research, resources and strategies to encourage students, in particular female students, to continue studying maths beyond GCSE.

The section is organised into four areas:

  • Research – What we have learnt
  • Data – Where we are now and how we got here
  • Strategies – What you could try that we know works
  • Resources – What we have to help

The collection of resources is extensive, but designed so that you can use the resources flexibly.

For example, if you’re looking for a general overview of how gender impacts participation in mathematics then the place to start is the Girls’ participation in advanced maths factsheet. This contains information on the five factors that are known to affect participation (attainment, enjoyment, perceived competence, interest, and awareness of the utility of maths), the current picture of participation in level 3 maths across the country, and some general strategies that are known to be effective in encouraging girls to study maths further.

The ‘Research’ section of the webpage provides links to the evidence that the factsheet is based upon but, like each of the four sections, there is an opportunity to ‘Dig deeper’ and explore other relevant research into gender and participation in maths (and other STEM subjects).

The ‘Strategies’ section enables you to review your own, or your department’s, current practice and identify aspects to develop.

The ‘Data’ section gives an insight into levels of female participation at both a national, local and school level.

In the ‘Resources’ section, you’ll find AMSP resources that are designed to increase student awareness of the utility of maths and support the suggested strategies for increasing participation. If you ‘Dig deeper’ in this section, you’ll find links to videos, literature, display materials and enrichment activities that you can use with students that include information on potential careers and the post-16 maths options that are available.

The best way to find out more is to take a look for yourself. Hopefully, you’ll find plenty of strategies that are readily resourced and easy to implement. We’re always keen to hear from teachers about how we can support you further; if you have any queries or suggestions, then please get in touch at [email protected].

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