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We’re excited to be offering two free online enrichment events for Year 10 students in the spring term: Which Career? – Meet people working in different roles and Which Career? – How maths is used in different roles. Both events will run in March 2021 to coincide with National Careers Week and British Science Week, and will look at some of the varied careers which use maths.

The events have been designed to inform your Year 10 students about how maths is used in different careers, and highlight the importance of continuing to study maths after GCSE.

  • In Which Career? – Meet people working in different roles, we’ll be joined by three guests from different areas of the world of work who will talk about their careers and take questions from students via the Q&A function.
  • In Which Career? – How maths is used in different roles, after students choose the careers that the presenters will discuss, they’ll have the opportunity to try questions relevant to that career, as well as getting insights into how maths is used in the work environment.

Both events will be repeated at different times to allow you to choose the event which best fits your timetable. While there will be opportunities for interaction during the session, at no point will students be asked to provide any personal information.

We envisage that the events will either be streamed into a classroom and facilitated by the teacher, or that the link will be shared with students who are studying at home so that they can join the session remotely. While these events are aimed at Year 10 students, they may also be useful for other students in your school. The maths involved will not exceed that expected of a Year 10 student.

Both events link curriculum learning with careers (Gatsby Benchmark 4) and Which Career? – Meet people working in different roles also gives students the opportunity to learn from employers about work, employment, and the skills that are valued in the workplace (Gatsby Benchmark 5). We’re aware that teachers are busier than ever at the moment, so why not send the event links provided above to your school’s Careers Lead – perhaps they could sign up a whole year group for you!

These events are free to attend.

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