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We’ve updated our popular resources that promote advanced maths to students and parents for 2021, and you can download them now on our website.

As we head into autumn, schools and colleges that offer post-16 courses will be starting to advertise and promote these options to students in Year 11.

Parents and carers are key influencers in the decisions that their children make when it comes to post-16 subject choices. It’s therefore important that they, as well as students, receive the right messages about maths and the different maths pathways available after GCSE.

The first resource available is a downloadable ‘Why study maths?’ presentation about the importance of studying maths after GCSE. It outlines all of the options available and provides compelling reasons for choosing to take an advanced maths qualification. This is a flexible resource to which you can easily add or remove slides to suit your talk or event. For example, teachers often use the presentation as a slideshow running in a loop during open days and evening events, and it could just as easily be reduced to a few key slides and used in an assembly.

We’ve also recorded this presentation as three separate videos in recognition of the fact that the traditional open evening may not fully return this year. You could show these videos to students or parents as they are, or there are also transcripts available if you’d like to personalise them with your voice.

Our Supporting your students’ transition to advanced maths webpage contains more resources and activities for you to use with your students, including:

We also have a dedicated webpage for your students which contains all of the above and more.

Please get in touch if you would like any further support in encouraging your students to continue with maths beyond GCSE.

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