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We know that, overall, girls tend to be under-represented in level 3 maths courses. Our upcoming Teacher Network meeting, Raising Girls Participation in Maths, will aim to give you the opportunity to discuss some suggestions to help encourage girls to consider taking maths beyond GCSE. Although the meeting will include resources that are specifically aimed at girls, the ideas would suit all genders.

Rachel Beddoes, AMSP’s Girl’s Participation and Careers Coordinator, will lead this session. Participating teachers will have the opportunity to share experiences and discuss plans. Keep an eye out on the AMSP regional events page later this term for this event that is planned for Wednesday 16 June 2021.

If you’d like to view more information about encouraging girls’ participation in advanced maths, we’ve expanded the information available on our website, with the aim of providing you with the latest research, resources and strategies to encourage students, in particular female students, to continue studying maths beyond GCSE.

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