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Maths Hubs in the West Midlands region are currently recruiting participants for their Post-16 Work Groups. There are five Hubs within the region: Central, GLOW, North Mids, Origin and SHaW. You can find your local Hub on the NCETM website.

This year’s offer focuses on work in four areas: Supporting Post-16 GCSE Resit, New to Teaching Core Maths, Developing Core Maths Pedagogy and Developing A Level Pedagogy. If you’re interested in any of these groups, you’ll find details on how to book a place or to express an interest in joining a group by going to your Hub’s website and following the link to the flyer for the group. The intention at the moment is to run some meetings within some Hubs face-to-face, whilst others are taking place entirely online. Full details of this can be found on the booking forms on the websites.

The offer from the Hubs is as follows:

The Central Maths Hub are offering:

  • Supporting Post-16 GCSE Resit
  • New to Teaching Core Maths
  • Developing Core Maths Pedagogy
  • Developing A Level Pedagogy

GLOW Maths Hub are offering:

  • New to Teaching Core Maths
  • Developing Core Maths Pedagogy
  • Developing A Level Pedagogy

North Mids Maths Hub are offering:

  • Supporting Post-16 GCSE Resit
  • Developing Core Maths Pedagogy
  • Developing A Level Pedagogy

Origin Maths Hub are offering:

  • New to Teaching Core Maths
  • Developing A Level Pedagogy
  • Supporting Post-16 GCSE Resit

SHaW Maths Hub are offering:

  • Developing Pedagogy in A Level to support Covid Recovery
  • Supporting Post-16 GCSE Resit
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