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Working together to enrich our students’ experience of maths is at the heart of our work. Below are two not to be missed opportunities for maths teachers available in the spring term.

Resilience Revisited

If you joined us for one of this term’s Rebuilding Resilience sessions and found it useful, you may want to come along to our Resilience Revisited online session on Tuesday 9 February 2021. We’ll be having another look at some of the content from the earlier sessions, sharing experiences in applying those strategies, and also looking at a few aspects that we didn’t have time to before. You can view more information and register for this session on the AMSP website.

If you’ve not been to any Rebuilding Resilience sessions before, keep a look out for a new three-part course beginning in the spring term!

Blended Learning

With all of us having taught online back in the summer term, and many of us still teaching virtually for some of our pupils or classes, looking at best practice in blended learning has never been more important.

There are several courses available on the AMSP website, such as:

Also, wherever you are in the North West, you’re welcome to join the Maths Hub Blended Learning – Best Practice Work Group

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