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Core Maths supporting other subjects

Studying Core Maths helps students to develop their quantitative and problem-solving skills, and improves their confidence with the mathematical content of other level 3 courses that they may be taking. In this event, we’ll explore how to get the most out of Core Maths by working effectively with other subject areas. We’ll give an overview of the maths content in other A levels and the crossover with Core Maths, as well as looking at professional development opportunities for teachers of maths and other subject areas. Delegates will also try out an activity on significance that can be used in Maths, Biology, Geography or Psychology lessons and discover where to find more resources. Finally, we’ll hear from teachers at Cardinal Newman College, who will share their experience of setting up Core Maths using non-specialists to teach the course and their effective cross-department planning.

This event will take place on Monday 14 June 2021 from 4-5:30pm. It will be beneficial to all schools and colleges whether you offer Core Maths yet or not as it will help you to establish, strengthen and grow the course within your institution.

This event will be most effective for your school/college if at least one member of the maths department attends along with a teacher from a different subject which has mathematical requirements. Level 3 Core Maths is particularly useful for students studying subjects like Biology, Geography and Psychology. It will also be useful for Heads of Sixth Form and members of SLT. Please share this event with your colleagues from other departments and encourage them to come along. You can find out more information and apply on the AMSP website.

North West GCSE Online Summer Festival

We’re delighted to inform you of our first ever North West GCSE Online Summer Festival, which will consist of four interactive and varied GCSE professional development sessions designed to help Key Stage 4 teachers to develop their classroom practice. The festival will run from late June to early July and all sessions will take place from 4:30-6pm:

We look forward to seeing you there!

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