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We were overwhelmed by the response to our North West Further Maths Conference – so much so, that we’ve decided to run it online again! Running the conference online means that not only are more teachers than usual able to register, but teachers can attend more sessions than on a face-to-face day. Feedback that we received on the last conference suggested that the course translated well online too:

  • It was absolutely fantastic.
  • Always excited to tune in!
  • I got so much out of it in terms of dealing with any misconceptions I had and was easily able to share my thoughts on the various problems and am very thankful for Abigail discussing these problems in depth. I really look forward to trying some of these activities out.
  • I found the practical experiments most useful, as the reason I signed up for the course was to be able to give my students a more in-depth hands-on experience. This course gave some good ideas for that.
  • Loved the practical elements and understanding of concepts. Mike as always makes these sessions so engaging.
  • The presenter was really organized and had lots of material available to download and showed some brilliant visualizations of quite algebra heavy concepts.

The twelve sessions at the next North West Further Maths Conference will cover topics from Pure, Mechanics and Statistics for both the first and the second year of the Further Maths course. The topics from the second year of the course will assume knowledge of the AS topics. The conference is suitable for teachers who are relatively new to teaching A level Further Mathematics and who would like to refresh their knowledge and broaden their use of activities and teaching ideas. The North West Further Maths Conference is provided free of charge and you can access as many or as few sessions as you’d like to. The sessions all take place from 5-7pm and those available to book are:

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