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The AMSP North East regional team were delighted to host an online dissemination of a very exciting project called Maths of Migration, which was developed by Oaklands School in London. The project is based around real data that was gathered in 2016, and research led by Professor Heaven Crawley, on the migrant and refugee crisis when crossing the Mediterranean. Jess, who is the Assistant Head at Oaklands School and previous Head of Maths, and Josh, a maths teacher at the same school, talked us through the project and possible methods of delivery across a wide ability range at their school. The talk was accompanied with stunning visual information and great lesson ideas. The meeting was attended by teachers from the North East and around the country.

The Maths of Migration project provides an excellent opportunity for students to engage with large data sets at KS3 and KS4. This means that students are better skilled when dealing with large data sets at KS5, which has been a compulsory part of the A level course since 2017 and A level syllabus reforms.

The project also tackles wider social issues, develops empathy and challenges racist stereotypes, all particularly relevant in the current climate of divisive politics. It is a great resource for a cross-curricular project.

You can view the Maths of Migration project on TES, and please get in touch if you need any more information.

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