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Below are details of some of the professional development opportunities offered by the Maths Hubs in the North East region. More information and a list of all professional development opportunities is available on the Great North Maths Hub and the Archimedes NE Maths Hub websites.

Work Groups

Work Groups run annually. You can view more information about what a Work Group is on either the Archimedes or the Great North websites.

Both the Archimedes NE Maths Hub and the Great North Maths Hub has continued to successfully run Work Groups this year, albeit remotely using an online platform. They’re titled:

  • Year 5 – 8 Continuity
  • Challenging Topics at GCSE
  • Mathematical Thinking for GCSE
  • Developing Core Maths Pedagogy (Great North Maths Hub only)
  • Developing A Level Pedagogy
  • Alternative Provision – New for 2020-21 (Archimedes NE Maths Hub only)

It’s great to see the level 3 Work Groups running in these Hubs this year. The Developing A Level Pedagogy and Developing Core Maths Pedagogy Work Groups offer a great chance to collaborate with others and to reflect on methods of delivery. Both options complement the professional development opportunities that the AMSP are offering.

Although most of the Work Groups are now underway, if you’d still like to get involved, please contact Jackie ([email protected]) at Archimedes or Laura ([email protected]) at Great North to register your interest. If it’s not possible to join late this year, they’ll keep your details and contact you in the autumn term for next year’s Work Groups.

Teaching for Mastery

If your school is interested in Teaching for Mastery, you can view information on the Archimedes or Great North websites.

They’ll be looking to recruit advocate schools for September, which will involve two members of a maths department working with a mastery specialist and with other advocate schools to develop classroom approaches consistent with Teaching for Mastery. If you’d like to be involved, please contact Jackie ([email protected]) at Archimedes or Laura ([email protected]) at Great North to register your interest.

If you’d like to get involved with the Secondary Mastery Programme, you can view information on the Archimedes or Great North websites or contact Vicky ([email protected]), the Secondary Lead for Mastery at Archimedes, or Helen ([email protected]), the Secondary Lead for Mastery at Great North.

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