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Many children are now taught the principles of mastery in maths at primary school level and maths teachers around the country are experiencing the positive impact that this has had on children’s understanding, revolutionising their engagement with maths. Teachers have found that students transitioning to secondary school tend to have a deeper understanding of topics, can represent concepts or skills in multiple ways, and can use mathematical language and apply concepts in unfamiliar situations.

However, many secondary teachers of maths may be still unsure about the concept of mastery in maths, and its teaching philosophy and techniques.

We had a chance to find out more about engaging students with teaching for mastery principles from the Archimedes Maths Hub at an AMSP event on Wednesday 23 June 2021. Vicky Cook, the Secondary Mastery Lead who teachers at Macmillan Academy, and Emma Brooksbank, the Mastery specialist from St.Peter’s Catholic Academy in Middlesbrough, led the session.

Delegates had the chance to observe one of Emma’s lessons via video, and were able to discuss and reflect on approaches adopted.

Vicky and Emma both mastered their craft with the Archimedes Maths Hub. If you’d like to develop your teaching practice and to become a mastery specialist, please use the contact details below. The programme is fully funded, and you can read more information about Teaching for Mastery on the NCETM website.

Rose-Marie Rochester – Archimedes NE Maths Hub Lead ([email protected])

Vicky Cook – Secondary Teaching for Mastery Lead ([email protected])

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