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Teacher Networks are funded by the AMSP to allow teachers of GCSE, A Level and Core Maths to meet, collaborate and engage in professional development.

The three teacher networks that would normally run in Kent have been combined into a single Kent and Medway Teacher Network, since distance from a venue and travel time are no longer issues in the online world. The network has moved online to better cater for the needs of teachers in the current climate.

Four Kent and Medway Teacher Network meetings occured over the Summer Term and filled to capacity very quickly. Topics covered were:

  • GCSE Problem Solving
  • Maths of Migration an opportunity to engage with the realities of migration through maths
  • Raising Girls’ Participation in Level 3 Mathematics
  • A Level Problem Solving.

I am conscious that many of you may not have had an opportunity to apply to attend these meetings, and I invite you to email me if this is the case and if you would like me to repeat any of them. I will happily put on additional meetings if numbers warrant it. Additionally, I am happy to consider arranging meetings for other areas of professional development that you suggest to me that have not already been covered.

Further details of these meetings and the wider offer from the AMSP can be viewed on the AMSP events page.

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