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The Kent and Medway Maths Conference 2020 was a huge success, with 200 teachers from all over the country — and abroad — attending the various workshops. This is more than double the number that attended last year’s face-to face event, and begs the question of how the 2021 event should be organised. I’m leaning towards repeating this year’s online format, but I’d be very happy to hear your opinions on this.

I’d like to extend a huge thank you to colleagues from the AMSP, the Kent and Medway Maths Hub, and other organisations who either presented at the event or facilitated the organisation of it, and also to those of you who attended the various workshops and made the event such a rewarding experience. I hope to see you all again next year and I invite you to email me with workshop topics that you would like to see included. I will do my best to accommodate as many of these requests as possible.

The professional development theme continues in Kent and Medway (teachers from other regions are welcome to attend) in 2021 with: Thursday 21 January 2021: Modelling with Statistics Paul Chillingworth, AMSP Tuition Lead and Statistics Professional Development Lead, will be leading this workshop looking at how A level Mathematics students are expected to apply the statistical content that they have learnt (such as the standard distributions, hypothesis testing, and correlation and regression) to modelling questions. Monday 1 March 2021: Approaches to Problem Solving in Mechanics Toby Rome, AMSP Teaching Mechanics Course Lead (and a huge success at the recent conference) will lead this workshop, looking at how best to prepare students for tackling problems in mechanics.

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