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As we get used to being back in the classroom and getting students used to working in class again, the next stage of recovery is to get back into all those wonderful things that we did before March 2020. Teaching is always pressurised, but it’s the extra activities which students often remember and which ultimately help to build their enjoyment of maths.

We have a range of activities which can make your life easier in terms of planning enrichment:

  • Our Motivating students at Key Stage 4 webpage contains a range of resources, from starter slides on Where’s the maths in that? and 30-minute activities such as Equations Mystery. There are also materials that you can use for a full lesson such as What can you see?, which develops problem solving and precise communication, and Artzee Maths, which uses Desmos or GeoGebra together with inequalities to challenge students to produce lovely patterns. This potentially solves any display board gaps too.
  • We offer specific 11-16 enrichment lessons which might fit with your activity days, or similar. The Columbus Cube activity is accessible to anyone, and provides a level of challenge and needs precision.
  • We also have activities suitable for Maths Clubs, including the gruesome Josephus problem, working out card tricks, and the mind-bending Hypercubes. You could bring in an element of competition by using previous Maths Feast materials and, of course, train up your teams for our 2022 Maths Feasts.

We’re also running various online enrichment events to inspire your students. The events are delivered in Zoom webinars on various dates so that your class can take part together. Many of the events are careers-based, but our newest addition, Space!, looks at geometry and equations of motion – you might be able to get the science department on board with this one too!

Finally, you can always contact your local Area Coordinator for help in pinning down exactly what you want, or even to run an activity for your school.

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