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On Thursday 22 April 2021, more than twenty teams from across the East of England region met virtually for our first Live Online Maths Feast. Although we were unable to meet face-to-face, over 120 students working in teams of four joined us for our first Maths Feast in over a year. It was fantastic to see everyone working so well together.

The online format worked well and the resulting competition was a close fought affair, with the leading team changing hands more than once. A number of rounds saw full marks being scored and one round had seven teams tying for first place. The eventual winner stormed through on the last round to snatch victory from the early front-runners, but it was a close-run contest where anyone from the top six teams could have stolen the win. It was a brilliant competition and well done to all who took part! We allowed extra teams for this event, so extra special praise must also go the class teachers who had their work cut out keeping up with the scoring.

As we move into, perhaps, allowing more events to happen, there could be an opportunity for us to come into your schools and use the Maths Feast materials as a Summer Snack. This could be used to support one or more of your classes as an enrichment activity during the summer term. Please contact your local Area Coordinator to find out more or to ask about availability.

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