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For the past couple of years, online network meetings have become a lifeline for teachers, allowing them to keep in touch and collaborate with colleagues both locally and across the country. Our online Teacher Network meetings continue to be focused on important topics where our access to the opinions and experiences of colleagues has, time and again, proven to be invaluable.

Locally in Norfolk, we’re relishing the chance to meet face-to-face once again. Our half-termly meetings provide the opportunity to catch up, meet new colleagues, collaborate and develop materials, and attend a choice of short professional development sessions. The AMSP is working with the Maths Hub, the Norfolk County Council Mathematics Advisor, and experienced colleagues to deliver professional development on a wide variety of topics.

The Mathematics Department at Ormiston Victory Academy were kind enough to host our January meeting where we had the largest attendance for quite some time. Colleagues were able to attend professional development workshops on problem solving at foundation KS4, use of Autograph, and ideas for mechanics practicals at AS.

Local and regional Teacher Networks are meeting on a regular basis across the East of England region. You can get information about your next local Teacher Network meeting by contacting your local Area Coordinator or looking at our regional events page. You’ll be more than welcome to attend!

In Norfolk, our next Teacher Network meeting is on Tuesday 3 May 2022. We’ll be looking at aspects from KS4, A level Mathematics, and Core Maths. We’d love for you to join us – please keep an eye on our regional events page to see when bookings are open.

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