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You’ve taken a great next step toward making the best choices in your future study. But why? Let us explain…

Why the AMSP?

The AMSP is all about helping you study maths beyond GCSE. We want you to enjoy maths and help with your further study choices while helping you achieve your full potential.

Did you know there are three main paths involving post-16 maths qualifications?

  • Core Maths
  • AS/A level Mathematics
  • AS/A level Further Mathematics

How can studying maths post-16 benefit you? 

If you choose to study maths beyond GCSE, it will help develop your skills in numeracy, graphical skills and problem-solving. Math skills are valuable not only in careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), but also in creative fields such as graphics, fashion, filmmaking, and many others.

It’s important for you to know that some employers, degree apprenticeship providers and universities will ask for a post-16 maths qualification. So, it’s worth researching the path you want to take to achieve your dreams and the options available to support that!

Studying maths after GCSE will help keep your maths skills fresh – useful, for example, if you need to take a numeracy test for a future career. Many other post-16 subjects also involve maths, whether in T levels or A levels, so studying some form of maths can help you excel in these different subjects.

How do you know which post-16 maths qualification is right for you? 

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