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As part of our ongoing monitoring of university admissions information, the AMSP has recently completed a review of the entry requirements for 2024 admissions. The review looked at over 1000 degree courses offered by UK universities, including all STEM subjects and courses with a significant quantitative element, such as Geography, Psychology and Economics.

This year, we found positive recognition of Core Maths qualifications from two more universities. The University of Exeter and the University of Leeds have now joined the growing list of universities that encourage students to have studied Core Maths.

Their admissions information, together with the statements from other universities which encourage Core Maths can be found on our recently updated webpage: Alternative admissions offers for level 3 maths on the AMSP website. Here you will find examples of how different universities indicate the importance of students gaining Level 3 maths qualifications to support their university studies. Universities like Aston, Bath, Sheffield and York will also lower their standard entry requirements for students achieving a good grade in Core Maths. 

Regardless of whether universities make an alternative offer to a student with Core Maths, it is worth noting that Core Maths qualifications all attract the same UCAS tariff points as an AS Level. Some universities highlight this in their admissions information, but it is important to emphasise this to students so that they are aware of this when evaluating the offers they receive. The UCAS points are:


If you have any experience of students receiving offers from universities that recognise their Level maths 3 qualifications but which are not currently listed, please let us know. Contact us at [email protected].

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