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The transition to the next level of study can be a challenging time for some students and to help we have provided a range of free online support for your students to help them prepare to progress to the next step with confidence.

Transition from GCSE to Level 3 study

The transition from GCSE to AS/A level Mathematics, Further Mathematics, and/or level 3 Core Maths is a big jump for some student. The resources below are designed to prepare your students for level 3 study by consolidating the skills and topics learned at GCSE.

  • Our Essential Skills materials are six sets of resources; each set should provide 3 hours of work. The sets are designed for students who intend to study maths at A level and to be completed independently paired with support and additional guidance from a teacher. They cover topics such as: Simplifying, Expanding, Sketching, and Factorising.
  • Our Transition to A level Mathematics course is an interactive online course that aims to give students the confidence and skills to feel ready to start A level study. This free course covers topics Year 11 students will find most valuable at the beginning of their studies and aims to improve understanding – not just fluency with skills – by delving deeper into GSCE content.
  • Our Core Maths Skills course will help students revise the maths skills they need for their level 3 studies. The course is aimed at students who are predicted 4 or above in GCSE Mathematics and intend to study A level subjects such as Biology, Psychology, Geography, and Business; level 3 vocational courses; and/or level 3 Core Maths. The course covers several topics, including: Estimation and accuracy, probability, and Data tables, averages and spread. The course includes full solutions to all questions, and students can practice their skills in automatically marked online tests.

Transition from Level 3 study to Degree Study

You may have students who are about to transition from Level 3 study to degree study but feel they need additional support to feel confident in progressing into STEM and related subjects at university.

Registrations are now open for our Preparation for Higher Education Course 2023, which is designed for students who are:

  • currently in Year 13 or taking a gap year
  • studying A level Mathematics
  • planning to begin studying a degree in maths, engineering, sciences, or closely related subjects such as economics in 2023 (or choosing to defer their entry until 2024)

The course is deigned to support Year 13 students to study at their own pace to consolidate key A level topics. It also introduces some new topics that will be a valuable in preparation for undergraduate degree courses in areas such as maths, engineering, or sciences.

Our Higher Education Course is comprised of presentations, notes, exercises, and other self-study resources. In addition, students can complete formative assessments for each topic to check their progress and understanding.

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