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After a 3-year hiatus, the AMSP Girls in Mathematics Enrichment Event returned to the University of Bath on 30 January this year. This fantastic event saw female students from Year 8 and 9 learning about maths in a fun way. The aim of the day was to inspire and enthuse students about mathematics and consider post-16 maths.

Whilst Year 8 and 9 might seem a bit early to be informing students about mathematics pathways after GCSE but at this age students are starting to consider their GCSE options and possible future intentions. So, it is important that they are aware of the potential level 3 maths available to them.

The event booked up very quicky, as it had in 2019 and 2020. 130 students from 9 schools spent the day exploring the mathematics of Chasing Storms (with a nice link to points of inflection for the A level teachers in the room!). They considered story telling with data visualisation and questioned our panel of university maths students about their work and university life. Before the day finished, Zoe Griffiths talked about her favourite shapes and impressing the room by blowing amazing smoke rings!

We’re already planning to run the event again in spring 2024 – so watch this space!

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